Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Congratulations Mr Prime Minister

The honeymoon was over before it began but i wish Morgan Tsvangirai luck as he embarks on his new partnership with Robert Mugabe. As he says, he will be watching his back, and so will we.

Sorry for the radio silence folks, but do watch this space, as Independent day approaches...


  1. I guess time and history will judge Tsvangirai's decision to powershare with Mugabe.

    Will be watching.

  2. i just want all this suffering to end for my if power-sharing was the only route to go...then so be it!just hope it lasts....i pray for my beautiful nation!!!

  3. i think mugabe agreed so the west can lift the trade sanctions.

    my hope is that Tsvangarai will be able to maximize the opportunity.

    how are u?
    it's been a hot minute!

  4. Well...we shall see as the plot unfolds.

  5. we have been watching the space,UPDATE

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. November 10th, I paused as well to think about how little was said, how quickly our matyrs are forgotten.

    Something I have found interesting is the Bowoto v. Chevron case. If you havent heard about it, Larry Bowoto from the Niger-Delta is sueing Chevron for damages in America, under Alien Tort Claims. If he doesnt win, another case will be brought unbehalf of Ken-Saro Wiwa and the Ogoni 8 against shell in NY in February.
    It gives hope to know that some people are remembering...
