Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Our first post (below) was written a year ago today. We would like to think we started with our hearts in the right place, we knew we didn't know much about the roots of the problems plaguing Nigeria but wanted to be enlightened by those who do, and those who equally share this hunger to know and to change things for the better.
We've always wanted to do more than just talk. We want the talking to spark ideas which will in turn dictate action and create impact. We've barely scratched the surface but we will get there. Thank you all for being a part of this.

The Afro Beat is a new movement, a fresh heartbeat, a racing pulse.

It is a club/ forum/ virtual gathering place for individuals of Nigerian heritage or association, who share the collective ambition to see their country move forward.

The Afro Beat is centered on the following:

The mutual and collective enlightenment of ourselves by discussion of our country’s plight,

The development of a sense of accountability to one’s peers,

The implementation of a series of realistic projects for the benefit of every Nigerian, and

The ultimate objective of improving the situation in Nigeria, one step at a time, and one day at a time.

How The Afro Beat will be kept going:

This idea was birthed by Misan, Tokini, Bitchy and theAfroBeat, but it is not “our” club alone. We’re offering ourselves up as mere facilitators. We desire the contribution of everyone who wants to learn more about their country, its past, and most importantly, about effective methods to contribute to its future. We’ve noticed a growing interest amongst our peers, in the injustices currently plaguing Nigeria, and simply wanted to provide a way for us to group together to share ideas on how to move the nation forward, and to have fun at the same time.

We intend to start with the simplest things.

First, we’ll begin by publishing articles on this blog, written by Nigerians and others, about Nigeria, that we hope you’ll be interested in. We’ll also publish articles by The Afro Beat’s members, to provoke discussion and commentary. We’re open to receiving anything you find on the world wide web or elsewhere, or that you yourself write, that you want to share with The Afro Beat’s members, and which you feel will be for their benefit. We hope to provide a worthwhile learning experience for us all, about our country.

We’ll also be opening up discussion about the projects we would like The Afro Beat to be known for. We have several exciting ideas which we hope you’ll see potential in, and which we know would benefit immensely from your contribution and participation.

Our address is: info@theafrobeat.com

“Every sector of society has been left to fend for itself”
- an observation about Nigeria by the Vanity Fair columnist, Sebastian Junger, in his article on the Niger-Delta entitled “Blood Oil”.

If The Afro Beat works as we hope it will, no journalist will ever be able to make such a sweeping statement about Nigeria again.


  1. Well done guys! It is not easy to keep the dream alive...but I believe we can do it. There are so many people out there that want this to happen, and it will happen, I know this becaue we are not giving up and we will continue to work towards a better Nigeria. We are sowing the seeds, but we will also see these seeds grow.

    (small prayer to God: Please Lord isn't it time for all those old men to come to you? Is their time on earth not over yet? it may be our only chance...please think about it...at least let their days be numbered...thank you, and it's okay if you do not want them either, just send them along to Satan, he will be happy to recieve them)

  2. a great vision!
    it can be done, it will be done!

    lol@waffy's prayer.
    sending the old foggies to satan is not the solution, their roots and influence run deep. we need to wake up and decide what we want and fight for it!
    simplistic? i know.

  3. Hehe, Amen to your prayer, Waffy.

    I agree Sherri, na one day @ a time, but it will get done, the sooner we get up and decide to be this change we seek. It's in the making, we just have to get onboard (howz that for simplistic...hehe)

  4. I swear the ghosts of blogville has been eating my comments. Everywhere I go my comments don't appear.

    And now I of course don't remember what I wrote?. Anyway, congrats on the one year anniversary. Don't get too comfortable. The struggle continues....

  5. I love the AfroBeat. Seriously, I have you guys bookmarked and everything. I think there's a lot of hope for the future, and I honestly believe that we are the generation that will make things different. We have all the means, and if we don't, then we have a lot to be thoroughly ashamed of.

    Rock on you guys!
