Thursday, May 17, 2007

What about Lagos??

This article lauds the long-overdue commencement of the Abuja Light Railway project. The writer is of the opinion that because the Lagos public transportation system is such a disaster, we need to prevent Abuja from becoming another Lagos, hence the light railway.

Ok, we're not tryin to spark any Lagos-Abuja tension here, but this article hit a nerve...WHY IS THERE A MORE URGENT NEED (IN THE EYES OF OUR GOVERNMENT) FOR A LIGHT RAILWAY IN ABUJA THAN IN LAGOS? Even if we accept the grossly inaccurate census results, Lagos' population is by far greater than that of the FCT, and so does a light railway (if indeed that's where $841 million of our reserves should be going at this time) make more sense in Abuja than anywhere else (even Lagos!)? Thoughts pls?


Last week, President Olusegun Obasanjo laid the foundation of the light railway system in Abuja. If properly and promptly executed, the project will provide the nation's capital the much needed back-up to road transportation.
Coming three decades after the founding of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), the project is long over due. Over that period Abuja's population, both human and vehicular, has out-grown projections. This has brought strains on the available infrastructure, which has in turn resulted in adverse environmental conditions associated with over-crowding. The situation would have been even worse but for the drastic measures embarked upon by this government to redress the abuses inflicted on the Abuja Master Plan.

Initiating the light rail project to ease the movement of people and goods in the federal capital, though late, is commendable. The comment by the FCT Minister, Mallam Nasir el-Rufai, on the occasion puts succinctly the rationale for the scheme. His words: "The importance of this ceremony is better captured when we realise that the chaotic transportation system in Lagos was one of the reasons for the re-location of the seat of government from Lagos to Abuja by the visionary leadership of the Murtala/Obasanjo regime of 1976. In accordance with the Abuja Master Plan and globally accepted norms, cities with a population of over 1.5 million people should have integrated public transportation system of which the railway is a major component."

The minister's reference to Lagos should serve as a booster to the determination of government, the contractors, financiers and indeed Abuja residents to accord the plan the prime attention it deserves. Today, despite the shifting of government machinery from Lagos, the city remains a victim of over-population- occasioned largely by the search for the proverbial greener pasture- and a perennial traffic disorder. In that atmosphere, productivity is hampered and the value of life is diminished. Only bold steps like constructing the rail can steer the present capital away from the path of becoming another Lagos.

With a projected capital of $841 million and completion date of four years, the Abuja light rail system will not only enjoy adequate funding, but will also hopefully be accorded priority by the in-coming administration. Its scope is impressive, having been designed to cover strategic locations like Garki Area 10, Central Area, Wuse Neighbourhood Centre, Jabi, Life Camp, Karmo, Gwagwa, Kubwa, National Stadium, Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport among others. Given the huge volume of commuters and vehicles that emanates from these areas, access to the proposed railway would reduce pressure on the roads appreciably and impact positively on the city's well-being and aesthetics. Ultimately, the entire country and its people stand to gain from a decent and orderly federal capital.

The administration of Alhaji Umaru Yar’Adua should, therefore, ensure that the terms of the contract are honoured and well guided to achieve the desired result.


  1. If there ever was a city that needed planning it would be Lagos. Particularly considering the fact that it is one of the world's most populated cities. In fact the "United Nations predicts that Lagos, which had only about 290,000 inhabitants in 1950, will exceed 20 million by 2010, making Lagos one of the world’s five largest cities." (MSN Encarta online).

    Now, I am proud that the government has consistently preserved Abuja as a planned and 'modern' city, but, that attitude towards Abuja must be applied towards every other state in the Republic. As a proud Lagosian, I know that an organized and efficient public transportation system would be wonderful in Lagos. In fact, as a child, I heard rumors of a train that was to run alongside 3rd Mainland bridge connecting one part of Lagos to the others. I believe IBB was in power when I heard this rumor.

    Anyway, enough of my rants ... good post.

  2. I totally agree with SOLOMONSYDELLE. Of all the cities in Nigeria, Lagos is in most need of a serious facelift. However, it good that the government is taking a step in trying to build a light railway in Abuja. The sucess of this project will decide whether the project should spread to other cities and vice versa.

    PS: Is the railway line between Kano and the eastern part of Nigeria finished? Just wondering...

  3. haha, railway line btw Kano and the east?? that's the first i've heard of that...but i can assure you it doesn't exist. Unless you're talking about the old railway lines that USED to exist (i certainly remember going on a primary school excursion where we went on a train ride at the Lagos terminus, and it must have been considered pretty safe back then for my parents to actually agree to let me go!)...what happened? don't answer that,i know already :(

    @ Solomonsydelle, welcome! i definitely read in one of those "Top 10 of everything" books that Lagos is the most (or 2nd at the least) densely populated city in the world (this was back in 2004 so things might have changed a bit) so that puts in perspective just how urgent such a lightrail system is. I definitely agree with you that the logic/enthusiasm of such a project should be applied to all states in the Republic, but there needs to be some order, starting with the most urgent...our very own Lagos. I just feel that Abuja can wait till after Lagos is sorted out, and things shouldn't be done on a "let's sort out our capital city first then think about the others" basis, you know.

  4. Ok Lagos is undoubtedly more in need of a railway. But i think logistically speaking, Abj makes more sense. I mean, where are the tracks going to be laid? The road network is a bit of a nightmare already without adding to it. Maybe no-one is willing to take on that particular herculean task.
    Meanwhile, good job guys!!

  5. Don't forget the issue of fiscal responsibility. Since Abuja is Federal Capital Territory then I would assume (because I'm too lazy to do the research and find out the facts) that funding for projects such as these and all other infrastructural projects come out of the federal government's pocket.
    Since the states, including Lagos, keep fighting for independence and devolution so that they can make more informed decisions about how to allocate resources, it would be awkward for them to now run to the government saying they need help building a rail system. I assume (lazily again) that transportation costs are contained within state budgets and not the federal budgets except for interstate operations like the Kano to the East track that confessions of a moody crab mentioned.
    At what point then does the FG step in and say Lagos' transport problem has become our problem because it is costing the state and the nation millions and maybe even billions every year? Does anyone know what our beloved legislature says about these funding issues?

  6. @ Man. U: You are likely correct that the fiscal choice regarding such a product would lie at the hands of Lagos' officials. I think of Calabar State where Duke just commissioned the development of a train system to be built over the next 3-5 years. I can only assume that the very capable Mr. Duke appropriated state funds for that project.

    @ Onyinye: you hit the nail on the head - anything having to do with Lagos is a "herculean task". Unfortunately, we have to address Lagos' infrastructure, development and population issues. The problem will only become worse. I know that in Abuja they were tearing down properties built without proper zoning documents. We might unfortunately have to go into Lagos and do serious restructuring to bring order to a city that has thrived on disorder and gets its character from such chaos.

    Na wa for Naija oh!

  7. Great stuff guys! On whether the incoming administration will ensure that the terms of the contract are honoured and well guided to achieve the desired result, I understand that (although the bill is awaiting the assent of President Olusegun Obasanjo) the Nigerian Senate has passed the Public Procurement Bill which prescribed 10 years jail term without option of fine for any person found guilty of fraud in the execution of contracts and public purchases. But emforcement is another issue? I don't know.

    And on the subject of the rail system this is what I think

  8. OK I was gonna keep quite b4, but this post is erroneous and not at all current.

    At least it's not as annoying as your nonsensical post on The Great MKO Abiola that was riddled with so many contrived and fictitious facts ( take note wikipedia is not a reliable info source, nor is gist)- for example , the claim that HE- Abiola funded the Buhari Coup- a palace and bloodless coup , that was partly a result of the disillusionment with corrupt civilian politicians, partly also because of the aforementioned politicians unwittingly assigning too much power to the Military and armed forces, logical then as they were trying to avoid a repeat of 1966, and also in their bid to quell the opposition and keep suppress any civilian uprising. My point being, an army that was well funded by the government, only needed to turn the GUN in the opposite direction and POWER was theirs. This is exactly what happened. The subsequent IBB coup was simple Mutiny because Buhari was too strict and the Boys (top Milt. brass) were not eating as well as they were under SHAGARI, hence the IBB largesse that followed (putting it simply). All that was needed was a MOTIVE and convincing the fellow CULT members of the Nigerian Army no Civilian Consent, or FUNDING necessary. That is done post consolidation of power- when those needing to be silenced / killed have been dealt with (Machiavelli 101/ Game theory 100). Then all comply, hence the Civilian/ successful business man’s term AGIP – Any Government in Power. Abiola met most of the Army men he considered friends while working for ITT in Ibadan . Ibadan being the site of the largest Army Garrison in Nigeria at the time. Business men, the elite and army became friends, as the rich/ up and coming needed security for Lorries with goods, and personal security, and the army liked money. Other prominent members of the Ibadan Fraternity include Mike Adenuga, Oba Otudeko, & Arisekola Alao.

    ABIOLA being greater than all these men put together, as he donated heavily to various charities all across Nigeria, funded many faith schools, single handedly sponsored sports at grass root level to international level all across Africa – my Tunisian friend knows Abiola as he went to an Abiola funded soccer academy in Tunis- for men and women- amongst numerous other things.

    Such was the extent of this Man’s greatness that I was irritated that instead of Eulogizing him, you guys decided to focus on the negative. On the whole I’m sure most will agree HE has more POSITIVES than negatives. I am not saying banish objectivity, but if you’re going to criticize any man, especially a dead man please make sure you get your fact s right Bitchy. Abacha is there if you need a name to soil. I was peeved because people demanded HE be remembered, but He wasn’t done any Justice by that post at all. Especially seeing as you showed a lack of depth and concern for the subject matter, as there is so much to write on Abiola’s great deeds you instead focus on his daughter’s laudable yet tiny efforts in comparison to Her Father’s I suggest you remove or revise the post with TRUTHS.

    Talk about digressing ,…… Anyways, the error in this recent post is that there is in fact a Lagos Light Railway project recently commissioned by OBJ see, furthermore other mass transit projects such as commercial Ferry schemes a la Staten Island have also been initiated. The problem with Lagos is one of mammoth Logistical problems (which would give even Einstein a headache) as a result of many years of planning neglect, coupled with The fact it’s an AD state ; ) and also sadly to say we are in a ‘Democracy’ now and what happened in Maroko to create VI extension, Lekki etc would be tough to pull off in similar areas of Lagos.

    Furthermore, the reason why Abuja is getting all the cheese is because WE are currently bidding to host the Commonwealth Games- Abuja 2014 and subsequently Olympics. So the investment will definitely pay for itself in the Long Run with all the tourist revenue expected. I’ m sure you’ll agree Lagos is nowhere near as ready for such events-Especially with the crap security in the state. Although we should all question the logic behind all these White Elephant projects – stadiums, space programmes, etc when basic Water infrastructure we can’t boast. It’s obvious that Obasanjo and his advisers are admirers of USSR Stalin.

    Please note I’m not an Abiola , and I’m a Lagosian . I just don’t like the idea of knocking Good men in death. Also I would like to commend you blog I think It’s definitely necessary and well formatted, with good ideas just try and make sure you follow through and stick with it. Well done indeed, on the whole you guys are doing something positive so please do continue………. I look forward to more. God Bless

  9. Is it me or isn't it obvious? Get one 'show city' by developing good transport in the place where you have a chance of being able to deliver, which will encourage investment in the more difficult project which is obviously going to be Lagos?!

  10. Hmm, maybe you guys are right, and the best way to start is with the easier quick-fixes, and then work on the bigger mammoth tasks. However, I still see more urgent as more urgent, you know? I'm tired of the eye-service projects, building new stadiums everytime there's a big event instead of revamping old ones, that kind of thing.

    It's also probably got to do with wt what Man-U fan said about state vs federal territory. Lagos has its own issues with funding being an AD state and all that, but as quincy has informed us, apparently there's a plan to build a lagos light rail project. let's hope that comes through someday.

  11. I think it is wonderful that everyone believe the government should step up and get invovled.

    However, whether the issue is in Lagos, Abuja or Anamabra, what we need to realise is that there is a reason there is a federal governement vs. a local governemnt.

    We should begin to make the right people become accountable for the actions and their responsibilities. Specifically with regards to the transporation system, what is the Lagos government doing? what plans do the governor and or local government chairmen have. As much as the president may be to blame for a lot of the problems through lack of planning et al, we should be sure to be responsible in our own questioning of the system and its organization!

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  13. 锘縏his is a kind of shoe that is manufactured of sheepskin. Their origin begun in Australia all over 1920 exactly where they served as effective shoes for the rural life style. There have been quite a few trademark disputes with ugg boots and moccasins. The time period ugg has been utilized as a standard title for any sheepskin boot globally. Ugg moccasins are developed with the very same principal of the boot in thoughts, but are very much smaller in top.

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    The way the sneakers are crafted are primarily based on effortless suggestions. The sheepskin is on the outdoors of the footwear while the inside incorporates fleeced that is tanned into the leather-based. The position of applying this materials is to pull dampness absent from the feet and continue to keep them at shape temperature. These footwear are intended to preserve ft warm with out socks if so sought after.

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    Some groups fought back again with authorized motion that concluded that ugg, ugh, or ug sneakers are all made use of to generically describe a design of shoe. This ruling was only thriving in Australia. In the United States, the conditions had been thought to be a title brand accessible for trademark. This confusion has induced a lot more counterfeit options. Numerous sites provide the fake ugg moccasins and sneakers to individuals that are not aware of the distinction. US personalized brokers have confiscated sizeable amounts of footwear professing to be uggs. Some fraudulent internet sites have arisen claiming to market genuine footwear alongside with appear counterfeit listings on numerous classified sites and auction internet sites.

    Popularity of the ugg moccasins and boots keep going to increase globally. When buying this merchandise, an individual will need to be conscious feasible counterfeit alternatives from world-wide-web web-sites.

  14. 锘縐GG basic boots are a style model of boot designed of sheepskin and originating in Australia. It is also the trademark's name for the UGG boots brand. Now there is a favorite wind of low-priced UGG to blow all around the globe. At the identical time, extra and additional pretend boots are rising in the market. Master how to get and identify phony and affordable UGG, and you will not cheated into getting faux UGG boots. Right here are some ideas and advices.

    Appear at the tag
    Actual UGG basic boots will usually have the firm logo printed on a sq. tag. It is pretty particular and sewn on to the again of the boot at the heel. Real low-cost UGG need to have Australia written underneath the UGG tag on the inside of and outside the house of the boot. If they have blue labels, they are most probable replicas.
    Read the UGG boot tag
    If it is designed in China, they are genuine inexpensive UGG. In 1996, UGG, this trademark is registered in mainland China, and the providers convert Australian bit by bit into China.

    Take a look at the value
    In general, real UGG typical boots can be highly-priced like most designer fashions, at the very least $a hundred .Traditional boots start at about $sixty, though different other leather UGG fashions and variations can charge up to $two hundred. A pair of low-cost UGG at decreased value may possibly indicate they are fake or imitable shoes.

    Look at the colour
    Real low-cost UGG, the hues are incredibly beneficial and as very same as official web page of UGGs. What is far more, inside and outside the house of the boots shades are also identical. Most UGG basic boots are sold in sound colors, these types of as black, [url=]ugg boots cheap[/url] tan and grey.

    Odor the boots
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    Contact the fur
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  31. Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.

  32. Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.

  33. Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.

  34. Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.

  35. Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.

  36. Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.

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