Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Introducing "The Afro Beat Remembers..."

It is our opinion that one of the many reasons why Nigerians aren't as civic minded, or for lack of a better word -can't be bothered to stand up and fight for their rights- is that our heroes (those who have had the courage to stand up against/call out injustice and wrongdoing in the public sphere, and who most times lose their lives in the struggle (Kudirat Abiola, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Alfred Rewane, to name a few)) are all too quickly forgotten...Nigerians forget too easily, or maybe we just don't remember publicly (besides the casual naming of a road here and there).

Whatever the case, this is our way of making sure WE don't forget...

An older friend suggested recently that one way of combating Nigerians' chronic short-term memory is to take out an ad in the newspaper or on the radio, and celebrate a local/national/personal hero every so often. "Let others know what they did for Nigeria and why they should be remembered...teach the new generation." Well, seeing as we don't have the financial resources/access to do that right now, we'll start the easy way...on THE AFRO BEAT. We'll call it "The Afro Beat Remembers..."

Once a week (if we can keep our act together), we'll put the spotlight on a Nigerian who deserves recognition/"remembrance" for something progressive that they've done for Nigeria. Dead or Alive, we'll remember.

Please send us any names you might have, and better still, an article, or a few words about what this person has done. This will be a forum to appreciate/recognize their achievements (specifically those relevant to Nigeria's (or their community's) progress. In any case, let's celebrate our heroes people!

P.S, It could be your mama/papa/friend's mama/baby's mama :)/a social entrepreneur you've heard is doing amazing things, whoever ...let's just celebrate the positive that's going on in the midst of the confusion and harsh reality in the country.


  1. i agree, there would be a lot of positives

  2. I think this is a brilliant idea - to give tribute and remember these people that have especially lost their lives for Nigeria. I hope one day they can have a day the whole nation would remember them on!!

    I'm excited to see what will become of this particular blog!. Bring on the inspiration!!!!!!!!!

  3. Pseudo - nice to see you on here :)

    Thanks guys! So..... suggestions? We need them to get the idea going abeg! We realise some may be uncomfortable with publicising their nominees, so send an email ----> info@theafrobeat.com


  4. Professor Maurice Iwu

  5. Anonymous, you might have to elaborate a wee bit on what we should be remembering Mr Iwu for :) coz i don't think we're going to be forgetting the 2007 election flop anytime soon.
