Tuesday, April 24, 2007

You Decide

The 'official' INEC view of the elections - INEC - www.inecnigeria.org

The Transition Montioring Group's view - www.tmgnigeria.org

The European Union's 'Election Observation Mission' - www.eueom-ng.org

The Human Rights Watch report - www.hrw.org

The International Crisis Group report - www.crisisgroup.org

On some level, we should be flattered by all the media attention :-)


  1. Even if the international media portrayed the whole election process as a shambles?

  2. We weren't saying that. Lol... The comment about being flattered, was intented to be ironic.

    Do you feel that the election was not as much of a shamble as the international media portrayed it to be? Suppose that's another post for another day.

  3. The elections was probably more of a shambles than the media could possibly comprehend. Only Nigerians can really understand the severity of the elections' shortcomings.
